District offer (School Sports Associations)

To get involved in opportunities within your district, contact the Chair of your District School Sports Association or your designated Lead Officer in the Active Schools team, who can give you their details. 

County offer

Targeted schools will be invited to participate in local place-based events, with provision aimed at supporting groups of young people within specific schools, based on their development needs. Focusing on certain groups means we have greater impact on those who have the most to gain from positive experiences of sport, physical activity and competition.

Some of the events we're hoping to deliver across KS2, 3 & 4 this year include: Judo, Football, inclusive New Age Kurling and an American Sports Festival. If you would like to find out what's planned for your local area and to register your interest to attend our events please email our Events Officer.

Below are the reports from the highlights of the Surrey School Games to give you an idea of what's involved.