Moving Minds - cultivating better physical and mental wellbeing and improved attitudes to learning through physical activity in schools. 


Thursday 27 March 2025 - 9:30am - 3:30pm - Woodhatch Place, Cockshot Hill, Reigate, RH2 8EF
Trainer: Katie Prescott, Events Officer -
Graphic: 16 November, 9.30 – 3.30,  Sandown Park racecourse, Esher KT10 9AJ

Conference Outline

Our conference will focus on supporting schools to understand the importance of movement and the valuable connections it has with learning and mental health. Providing active school solutions to encourage physical activity, within and beyond the school day.

Conference features include:

  • Expert Keynote speakers
  • Networking opportunities
  • Thematic workshops


  • Senior Leadership Teams
  • PE subject leaders
  • EYFS leaders
  • Wellbeing leads
  • Health professionals
  • SCC school support staff

Expert Speakers

Delegates will hear from experts in the field and have the chance to network with local and national partners and access relevant resources and support for both quick wins and long term improvements.

Who are our expert speakers this year and what will they offer?

  • Demonstrate the impact of physical literacy when used to inform policy, strategy, behaviour and approaches to movement and physical activity
  • Explore the importance of gender equality and the voices and choices of young people
  • Help schools understand how to create positive emotional, social and physical experiences for ALL their pupils

Helen Battelley - Connecting Movement & Learning

Helen is an internationally renowned consultant, trainer, author and speaker in physical activity/movement & play in Early Education with an MA in Early Childhood Studies (Physical Activity and Movement). Movement is innate, our bodies are designed to move, however half of all children in Surrey are not meeting the recommendations for physical activity.

Helen's interactive keynote will provide delegates with a true understanding of how movement can impact all areas of learning and development and explore the data and evidence to raise the profile of movement in your school.

Gethin Thomas

Neil Moggan - Movement for Wellbeing

Neil, the founder of Future Action and author of "Time to RISE Up - Supporting Pupils' Mental Health in Schools", collaborates with over 200 schools across diverse contexts globally. As former Director of Sport, Health and Relationships, Sex and Health Education, Neil dedicates his efforts to empowering educators to transform young peoples mental wellbeing and life chances.

In this keynote, Neil will share his 4-pillar formular for a transformational PE/wellbeing educator in a post-lockdown world, utilising the RISE concept to effectively bridge physical activity and mental health for a lasting impact.



11:30 - 12:15      Workshop One

13:20 - 14:05      Workshop Two

14:20 - 15:05      Workshop Three

  • Creating a culture of active learning outdoors (Trainer - Louise Edwards, Outdoor Learning & Development Manager)
  • Structuring PE for children with autism spectrum disorder (Trainer - Borja Vidal, PE Lead)
  • Creating a sports sanctuary in schools to aid emotional regulation (Delivered by The Youth Sport Trust)
  • Creating an active playtime in your school to maximise pupil wellbeing and learning mindsets (Trainer - Lee Bessent, Active Schools Officer)
  • Bikeability and Feet First: the benefits it brings to schools and pupils (Trainer - Germaine McBride, Safer Travel Team)
  • Creating a whole school approach to physical activity in your school (Trainer - Sarah Williams, Active Schools Manager)
  • Trauma informed PE (Trainer - Neil Moggan, Founder - Future Action)

Booking Information

  • Unlimited FREE places for Active Schools Members please note 100% deduction of booking cost will be made at checkout.
  • Non member schools will be charged £199 for up to two delegates
  • All bookings, name changes, or cancellations, must be made through the Hub. This account is usually held by the Business Manager or the Headteacher
  • Ensure that the correct email address is used for the staff members who will be attending the event as this will be the address that is used for correspondence.
  • USE THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS field on the booking form to inform us of any delegate dietary requirements and access needs
  • Cancellation charges apply, but the named delegate can be changed up to the start of the conference

Book your place here*

*Your Headteacher, SBM or bursar will have a Surrey Education Services login


Alternatively please contact for more information.