Your community, your fit

Your community, your fit

Libraries are a vital part of local communities that are open to everyone - and these days they do much more than just lend books! 

That's why we're working with Surrey Libraries in developing programmes to help communities keep active.  

Don't sit on the sofa and tell yourself you'll start moving more tomorrow; find out below whether we're already working in your local centre. You owe it to yourself and your family to get moving because remember, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” * 

*Bonus points if you know who wrote it - or in which book  :-) 


Guildford Library of Things logo


Did you know that you can now borrow for free a variety of sports and exercise equipment from Guildford and Godalming Libraries?

The equipment ranges from cricket and rounder sets, table tennis sets and even walking poles and a boccia set. So, if you wish to try out a new piece of equipment before you buy, or just borrow for a weekend or even use to host a ‘sports themed party’, check out what we have to offer below.  

This service aligns with our green vision of championing environmental sustainability services.   

For Guildford, visit Zero Carbon Guildford Library of Things website

For Godalming, visit LoT Inventory – What Next?   

Bookmark your progress - free health & activity trackers

Bookmark your progress - free health & activity trackers

Wondering how to stay motivated while improving your health and wellbeing? Active Surrey is working in partnership with Surrey Libraries to develop services and programs to positively impact the health and wellbeing of residents, focusing on physical activity.  

As part of this work, adult (18+) library members can now borrow, for FREE, a health & activity tracker (smartwatch) from any Surrey Library. Reserve your tracker online or pop into your local branch.

The trackers are a fantastic way to encourage a healthier lifestyle, helping you monitor your daily activities, sending you inactivity alerts and much more. You can borrow one for up to six weeks, with the opportunity to renew for a further six weeks, giving you a chance to see whether having such a device is something worth investing in. 

The health & activity tracker is an Amazfit GT2 mini smart watch with amazing features, including:- 

  • Monitors heart rate, activity, sleep quality and stress levels 
  • 70+ different activity modes 
  • Easy to set up and use 
  • Quick charging with long battery life - up to 14 days' use  
  • Use standalone or with a dedicated smartphone app 
  • Free to borrow for Surrey library card holders 

 If you are not a library member, just pop along and get your free membership card in person or sign up for library membership online.  

You can reserve your tracker here.

Each tracker is cleared of all the data collected over the loan period to comply with GDPR and privacy guidelines. 

Tracker info & pairing your smartphone with the 'Zepp' app

Bringing interactive movement to the libraries - Ash and Banstead libraries 

Two new projectors offering interactive games and activities to young people and adults living with dementia are now available at two libraries in Surrey.


Ash Library

Ash Library

Obie, interactive projector - fun, and educational games & activities for young children and seniors. 

Find it difficult keeping young children active? Why not try out the free Obie interactive projector at Ash library. 

Obie projector brings active play to floors, tables, and walls. The projector has pre-installed games which are specifically designed to be engaging for children. The Ash library projector is installed on the floor, so it encourages children to move whilst having fun. 

There are games that encourage collaborations, others such as puzzle and memory games are designed to engage the brain, whilst the action games help to get children moving more. There are also specific games and activities that are great for seniors – these games are stimulating, socially engaging and help encourage mobility.

Obie is available during library opening times except during Storytime and Rhymetime (Tuesday and Thursday, 10.30 to 11am) and is free. 

For more information visit Events and activities at Ash Library - Surrey County Council ( 

Banstead Library

Banstead Library

Tover interactive projector - supporting people with dementia 

Visit Banstead library and experience Tovertafel (magic table). Tovertafel is part of Banstead library’s commitment to help create a dementia friendly community. 

The Tovertafel interactive projector offers games and activities that are specifically designed for people living with dementia, people with intellectual disability and children with a development disorder. They can be played individually or as a larger social group and the magic table can be enjoyed by families, carers and organisations. 

The games and activities help to :- 

  • Increase social interaction and movement 
  • Increase happiness and joy 
  • Reduce restless and tense behaviour 
  • Increase alertness and focus 

Visit  Library services for people with disabilities - Surrey County Council ( Dementia support in libraries - Surrey County Council to book a session or to find out more

Discover more at your local library

There is loads of information out there that claims to benefit your mental and physical health, but how do you know what to trust?  Reading Well - Surrey County Council from The Reading Agency, highlights books that are not only recommended and endorsed by GP’s and medical professionals, but also features accounts from those with experience of the conditions or topics covered. 

Keeping healthy means keeping busy. There are 52 libraries in Surrey with events and activities to suit all ages.  Why not see if there’s something of interest for you or your family in the programmes on offer at your local library