
The Board strategically guides the work of Active Surrey and offers independent governance. Its role is to provide:

  • Strategic Leadership & Planning:
    Providing clear direction for physical activity in the county through the production of an Active Surrey strategy
    and business plan.
  • Advocacy:
    Promoting the benefits of physical activity and the organisation locally, regionally and nationally, as well as helping secure additional resources.
  • Partnership Building:
    Opening doors for the team and our work, attracting and engaging with new and existing partners stakeholders.
  • Accountability:
    Managing performance and ensuring implementation and continuous improvement of strategies and business plans.
  • Welfare & Safety:
    Supporting the welfare and safety of the organisation’s employees, participants, volunteers and any other people for whom it is responsible. 
  • Good Governance:
    Ensuring appropriate standards of governance are met and managing risk appropriately.

The Board and its comittees are bound by agreed Terms of Reference which include a Code of Conduct as well as a Conflicts of Interest Policy to The Board and its committees are bound by an overarching agreed Terms of Reference which include a Code of Conduct as well as a Conflicts of Interest Policy. Each committee also have their own Terms of Reference:

woman stretching before exercise

Our commitment to diversity, the environment and social governance

The organisation is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and we have a comprehensive Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan to achieve this.  We continuously seek greater diversity on our Board and Staff team and to ensure our communications and engagement are representative of the residents of the county. 

We are mindful of our responsibilities with regards to climate change and wider issues which cover how we approach our work and have developed a policy / plan which begins to explain our conduct in these areas:

Board roles

Independent and Nominated Board Members are not paid for their roles. You can see who's on our Board and read more about Board Members’ roles below.


Couple cycling
Family run


Board meeting minutes

Legal status

Active Surrey is unincorporated and as such works closely with an accountable body to act on its behalf. Surrey County Council currently fulfils this function as our “Host Authority”. Although Surrey County Council retains certain liabilities and responsibilities, particularly as employer of the Active Surrey team, it has delegated certain responsibilities and powers to the organisation's Board.