Facebook Image Active Surrey | Helping People to be Healthier and Happy

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Our Highlights


Total population of Surrey (2021 census)


Surrey adults who do less than 30 mins of activity per week (Nov 21-22)


Different types of cancer linked to being overweight

Just 10...

Mins spent walking briskly per day to start improving energy, mood, health...

Get active in schools

Being physically active helps pupils improve their concentration and gain better results.

Get your community moving

Whether you help run a club, want help with funding or learn more about events like the Specsavers Surrey Youth Games.

Get moving for health

The place for health professionals, or if you want to discover more about the programmes we're developing for Surrey residents.

Family weight management programme for under 12's

Be Your Best logo

Help with your physical
and mental health

Healthy Surrey logo


(or upload a session to the finder)

Activity FInder logo
Sport England logo
The National Lottery logo
Surrey County Council logo
Active Partnerships logo