Coach talking to young football team

Working to Safeguard those at risk

Everyone involved in sport and physical activity—whether as a volunteer, participant, spectator, or elite athlete—deserves to feel safe and free from abuse or harassment.

Our commitment to Safeguaring

We all share the responsibility of protecting others. It's crucial for everyone to know how to act if they have any concerns. That's why we are dedicated to supporting parents, carers, organisations, associations, clubs, activity providers, instructors, teachers, coaches, and leaders in safeguarding children and adults at risk.

Protecting children and young people

Active Surrey promotes the safety and welfare of young and vulnerable people engaged in sport, and is a member of the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership.

We influence clubs, coaches and others we work with through safeguarding workshops and other training, advice and through our own Children and Young Person Safeguarding Policy.

Childline anti bullying support

Childline online safety advice

Attending an Active Surrey event and have a concern

Reporting a concern

If you have a concern/would like to talk to someone you can contact any of the numbers above. Please also see our Children and Young Person Safeguarding Procedures for reporting concerns.

Alternatively you can visit Surrey County Council's website for details of who to contact in Surrey.

For parents

Choosing the right club for your child is a very important decision; your child’s safety is paramount and their enjoyment of their chosen sport or activity will be influenced by their experiences. You might find this 'Questions for parents' sheet useful when considering a club for your child, as well as these pages on the NSPCC’s website useful.

Safeguarding adults

Ensuring adults are protected - particularly those who may be vulnerable in some way - is also important. View our high level Adult Safeguarding policy and read the detailed steps we follow for programmes which we directly fund in the accompanyting Procedures doc.

For clubs - resources and advice

Self assessment for sports clubs

All sports organisations should have processes in place to ensure they provide a safe and welcoming environment for children and young people.

Use the Child Protection is Sport Unit’s safeguarding self-assessment tool to ensure you are doing everything you can to keep children safe.

Links to further advice for clubs

The Child Protection in Sport Unit's resource library has a vast range of info from template policies such as Codes of Conduct to research papers, webinars, videos and podcasts to help you address safeguarding issues. It'll even help with info on overnight stays and give you guidance to share with parents. 

Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership has a wide range of training and other advice on their website which may be helpful for clubs.

The National Working Group has a comprehensive library of resources on a very wide range of topics linked to safeguarding/child exploitation.

Any child or young person in distress in Surrey can contact Kooth for free mental health support.

Vulnerable groups - external advice

Safeguarding can become an even more important issue when additional vulnerabilities are added to the mix. Further information and advice on keeping specific individuals or groups safe is available from the following organisations:

Contact our safeguarding officer

Active Surrey's safeguarding policy is available to view but if you are worried about the safety of a young person taking part in an Active Surrey-run activity or any sport please contact (in confidence):

Nic Fraser 
Direct line: 07980 696 264
Main switchboard: 01483 519900

We take the welfare of children and young people very seriously and have procedures in place to deal with any concerns raised.