Active Surrey

Photography policy (April 2024)

Active Surrey understands the importance of being able to capture and share the successes of participants and spectators at events. Not least when the participants are children, taking part in a special event or activity. It is also important that participants are able to capture and celebrate their achievements.  

However, with this there are risks that apply, irrespective of whether it’s a teammate, parent, spectator, or other ‘official’ body shooting footage:  

  • direct and indirect risks to children when images are shared alongside personal information (which may be used to identify them)  

  • inappropriate images of children  

  • inappropriate use, adaptation or copying of images  

To help reduce these risks, Active Surrey has taken the following precautions:  

  • where adults are the main subject of an image, we ask for their or their carer’s consent – usually via a standard form or by email / online confirmation  

  • we ask for parental/guardian consent for any images of children under 18yrs, either via the school or the event registration process  

  • Should consent not be given, we ask that parents/guardians inform their child of this decision and the reasons they will be required to wear a yellow wristband, or similar form of visual identification (see below). 

  • we will only use images for promotional and organisational purposes of identifiable children who have consent  

  • we will brief any invited press or professional photographers at our events/activities 

  • we will not allow photographers to have any unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults  

  • we will provide yellow wristbands/tape/stickers or similar visual markers to those without consent to be photographed/videoed in person and we may challenge spectators photographing participants who are wearing these markers.  

In addition, Active Surrey asks everybody to adhere to the following photography guidelines (this applies to schools, participants, and all spectators regardless of whether you are using a phone, camera, or other mobile device):  

  • ensure anyone in your care for whom there is no photography/video consent is wearing a yellow wristband/tape or similar visual marker  

  • do not take any images of anyone wearing a yellow wristband/tape or similar visual marker  

  • Official photographers are briefed that if there is a photo being taken where a participant without consent will be in shot, they will try and establish who the parent/guardian/carer is and discuss it directly with them and not the individual themselves (where children and young people are concerned). 

  • ensure all images and any online descriptions or comments are appropriate and respectful to those in the image  

  • ensure you have consulted anyone identifiable about the use of their image in any shot you take and have obtained permission to use the image – particularly where children and vulnerable adults are featured 

  • do not use full names in image captions – again, this is particularly important for children  

  • do not share images on social media or tag other people unless you are satisfied that you have all necessary consent to do so. 

Whilst Active Surrey’s attendance at events enables us to 1) monitor and reinforce the requirement not to take images of anyone wearing a yellow wristband/tape or similar visual marker, and 2) promote safeguarding measures about the use of images, Active Surrey cannot be responsible for the actions of all spectators. Any photos taken without consent of anyone wearing a visual marker by spectators or other persons not acting on behalf of Active Surrey, are not the responsibility of Active Surrey or where these images may then be shared. 

Photography and video recording taken by Active Surrey or by an organisation working on behalf of Active Surrey will be used for promotional materials via social media, brochures, website, newspapers/magazines etc. 

Above all, if any participants, parents, spectators, volunteers, or others involved in an event have ANY concerns relating to images or their use, please contact our Active Surrey Safeguarding Officer: Wendy Newton on 07972 211989. If unavailable, contact Nic Fraser (Children & Young People Deputy) on 07980 696264 or Laura White (Adult Deputy) on 07973 975494.  

This photography policy is part of our overall safeguarding policy. For more information about Active Surrey guidelines on Safeguarding and Child Welfare please see the following link: